AIFD Online Course #3 - Design Techniques and Applications

AIFD Online Course #3 – Design Techniques and Applications
Design Techniques and Applications (AIFD Online Course #3) Objectives for the Design Techniques and Applications Course: This course is designed to illustrate and define the terms and processes related to…

Date(s) – July 16, 2024 – July 29, 2024
All Day

Design Techniques and Applications (AIFD Online Course #3)

Objectives for the Design Techniques and Applications Course:

This course is designed to illustrate and define the terms and processes related to the “nuts and bolts” of assembling a flower arrangement. Combined with the elements and principles of design, these techniques and processes will help floral designers better understand the practical applications involved in creating a successful floral design.

After completing this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Recall the basic categories of Design Techniques and Applications
    -Stem Placement
    -Physical Application
    -Color Enhancing
  2. Identify how specific design techniques are used in professional floral designs
  3. Justify the use of a design technique in a floral composition.

Time frame for the Design Techniques and Applications Course: est. 235-330 minutes

Registration Closes July 12, 2024 at 2:00 PM, PST.
