On-Trend Wedding Reception Decor

On-Trend Wedding Reception Decor
FLR-350-101 On-Trend Wedding Reception Flowers Create a King Table tablescape and at least one on-trend table centerpiece reflecting boho chic wedding décor. Examine construction mechanics for lush, natural centerpieces and…

Date(s) – March 20, 2021
10:00 am – 4:30 pm

FLR-350-101 On-Trend Wedding Reception Flowers

Create a King Table tablescape and at least one on-trend table centerpiece reflecting boho chic wedding décor. Examine construction mechanics for lush, natural centerpieces and explore the possibilities of using vintage and collectible containers. This class is online via Zoom. Flower will be shipped to the students.

Please visit https://www.aacc.edu/programs-and-courses/personal-enrichment/floral-design/ or email ccassidy1@aacc.edu for additional information.
