North Central Board Members
2024-25 Executive Board Members
The North Central region includes Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin and the Canadian Provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
Overseas: New Zealand, Australia
President: Trisha Haislar AIFD
President – Elect: Mike Brown AIFD
Vice President: Doug Bates AIFD
Secretary: Kelsey Thompson AIFD
Treasurer: Michael Lewis AIFD
Past President: Sheryl Doerr AIFD
Representative to the National Board: Mary Linda Horn AIFD
Foundation Representative: Alan Thompson AIFD
Kathy Cunningham AIFD
Jeremy Rettger AIFD
Jane Edwards AIFD
Rupali Shete Sadalage AIFD
Janet Gallagher AIFD
Jennifer Butcher AIFD
Katy Selmi AIFD
Michelle Soupley AIFD