AIFD® Recognizes Long-Term Members/Symposium Attendees with Laureate Status

The American Institute of Floral Designers® (AIFD®) has announced an exciting new recognition for its longtime members and symposium attendees. Members with 21 years or more of membership, who have also attended a minimum of ten (10) National Symposia, may apply to become Laureate status. (Pictured above are some of the current Laureates who were recognized at the Annual Members Meeting at the 2013 Symposium.)

This was designed to express AIFD’s appreciation and recognition of members for their long-term membership, as well as their support of the annual National Symposium. It is a way to say “thank you” and to salute these members so that others may aspire to the same level of dedication to AIFD® as they have demonstrated!

AIFD® Laureate Status Members will be saluted in the annual Membership Directory and on the AIFD® website, and will also be recognized at future Symposia they may attend. The Laureate status will not affect annual membership fees.

If you believe that you meet the qualifications to become an AIFD® Laureate, please click here to download the application and return to AIFD® Headquarters.

Current Laureate Members:

Rosemary Agostinucci AIFD,CFD

Mitzi Alexander AIFD, CFD

Megumi Ainai AIFD, CFD

Elena Andrews AIFD, CFD

Robyn Arnold AIFD, CFD

Scott Awad AIFD, CFD

Susan Ayala AIFD, CFD

Jeanne Balmes AIFD, CFD

Susan Bal-Vanderhulst AIFD, CFD

Sidney Barley AIFD, CFD

Karen Barnes AIFD, CFD

Susan Bean AIFD, CFD

Allen Beck AIFD, CFD

Connie Bell-Gustafson AIFD, CFD

Carol Bice AIFD, CFD

Sylvia Bird AIFD, CFD

Janice Bjurstrom AIFD, CFD

James Bliek AIFD, CFD

Jim Blythe AIFD, CFD

Judi Borah AIFD, CFD

Tom Bowling AIFD, CFD

Edward Bowman AIFD, CFD

Richard Brabham AIFD, CFD

Lisa Brennan AIFD, CFD

Frank Brice AIFD, CFD

Steven Brickner AIFD, CFD

Karyn Brooke   AIFD, CFD

Douglas Brooks II AIFD, CFD

Marilyn Brosang AIFD, CFD

Dian Brown AIFD, CFD

Michael Brown AIFD, CFD

Steven Brown AIFD, CFD

Jillian Browne AIFD, CFD

Ted Bruehl AIFD, CFD

Cathy Brunk AIFD, CFD

Dennis Burcher AIFD, CFD

Jacklyn Burrell AIFD, CFD

Christina Burton-Fox AIFD, CFD

Todd Bussey AIFD, CFD

Modesto Busto AIFD, CFD

Robin Byrd AIFD, CFD

Carol Caggiano AIFD, CFD

N. Lee Cantley AIFD, CFD

Colleen Carr AIFD, CFD

Iris Man Ling Ching AIFD, CFD

Diane Citrowske AIFD, CFD

Kevin Coble AIFD, CFD

C. Gail Coe AIFD, CFD

Tina Coker AIFD, CFD

Terry Edwin Conerly AIFD, CFD

Ruben Consa AIFD, CFD

Michael Cua AIFD, CFD

Mary Dark AIFD, CFD

Ned Davis AIFD, CFD

June Davis AIFD, CFD

Deryck de Matas AIFD, CFD

Robert P. DeBellis AIFD, CFD

Al Dellinger AIFD, CFD

James DelPrince AIFD, CFD

Albert DeLuca AIFD, CFD


Mary Evans AIFD, CFD

Toomie Farris AIFD, CFD

Walter Fedyshyn AIFD, CFD

Diana Ferich AIFD, CFD

Daniel Firth AIFD, CFD

Donna Fields AIFD, CFD

Ronald Froemming AIFD, CFD

Chieko Fukushima AIFD, CFD

Hitomi Gilliam AIFD, CFD

Katharine Gleim AIFD, CFD

Robert Gordon AIFD, CFD

Joe Gordy AIFD, CFD

Joyce Grattoni AIFD, CFD

Charlie Groppetti AIFD, CFD

Debbie Grote AIFD, CFD

Eldon Haab AIFD, CFD

John Haines AIFD, CFD

Trisha Haislar AIFD, CFD

Keith Harbison AIFD, CFD

Wilton Hardy AIFD, CFD

Bradley Harnisch AIFD, CFD

Kelly Harnisch AIFD, CFD

Bill Harper AIFD, CFD

Dennis Harris AIFD, CFD

Yoshiko Hasegawa AIFD, CFD

Els Hazenberg AIFD, CFD

Virginia Helsing AIFD, CFD

Catherine Hillen-Rulloda AIFD, CFD

Mike Hillis AIFD, CFD


David Hope AIFD, CFD

Mary Linda Horn AIFD, CFD

John Hosek AIFD, CFD

Bunnie Hovan AIFD, CFD

Tony Huffman AIFD, CFD

Ana Hunt AIFD, CFD

James Hynd, Jr. AIFD, CFD

Beverley Diane Ireland AIFD, CFD

Jo Jarvis AIFD, CFD

Kerry Jarvis AIFD, CFD

Michael Jarvis AIFD, CFD

James Johnson AIFD, CFD

Mary Jo Johnson AIFD, CFD

Wayne Jones AIFD, CFD

Louinda Jones AIFD, CFD

Ann Jordan AIFD, CFD

Yayoi Kanezaki AIFD, CFD

Claire Kang AIFD, CFD

Nancy Tera Kitchen AIFD, CFD

John Kittinger AIFD, CFD

John Klingel AIFD, CFD

Suzie Kostick AIFD, CFD

Daniel Kotecki AIFD, CFD

Dov Kupfer AIFD, CFD

Vonda LaFever AIFD, CFD

Franklin Laning AIFD, CFD

Denise Lee AIFD, CFD

Brent Leech AIFD, CFD

Carl Lemanski AIFD, CFD

Laurie Lemek AIFD, CFD

Ty Leslie AIFD, CFD

William Lindeman AIFD, CFD

Rhonda Lynn-Moeckel AIFD, CFD

Jane LeVieux AIFD, CFD

Hélène Marcotte AIFD, CFD

Ann Martin AIFD, CFD

Jim Marvin AIFD, CFD

Joyce Mason-Monheim AIFD, CFD

Larry Masters AIFD, CFD

Carol McClarnon AIFD, CFD

Sharon McGukin AIFD, CFD

William McKinley AIFD, CFD

Susan McKnight AIFD, CFD

Talmage McLaurin AIFD, CFD

Lynn McLean AIFD, CFD

Vicki McPherson AIFD, CFD

Michael Merritt AIFD, CFD

Pierre Methot AIFD, CFD

Leslie Miklos AIFD, CFD

Leroy Miller AIFD, CFD

Sharon Miller AIFD, CFD

Paul Miller AIFD, CFD

Richard Milteer AIFD, CFD

Carol Mitchell AIFD, CFD

Daniel Mitchell AIFD, CFD

George Mitchell AIFD, CFD

Holly Money-Collins AIFD, CFD

James Morley AIFD, CFD

Lou Lynne Moss AIFD, CFD

Ron Mulray AIFD, CFD

Ikuyo Nakase AIFD, CFD

James Neal AIFD, CFD

Paul Norman AIFD, CFD

Kelly Norvell AIFD, CFD

Christopher Norwood AIFD, CFD

Lori Novak AIFD, CFD

Ralph Null AIFD, CFD

Lottie Nys AIFD, CFD

Constance Oakson AIFD, CFD

Kimberly Oldis AIFD, CFD

Chris Ondrak AIFD, CFD

Michael O’Neill AIFD, CFD

Rick Orr AIFD, CFD

Nancy Palsulich AIFD, CFD

Laura Parker AIFD, CFD

Alan Parkhurst AIFD, CFD

Patricia Patrick AIFD, CFD

Darla Pawlak AIFD, CFD

James Payne AIFD, CFD

Vincent Petrovsky AIFD, CFD

C. Patrick Phillips AIFD, CFD

Tanya R. Phillips AIFD, CFD

Cydne Pidgeon AIFD, CFD

William Plummer AIFD, CFD

Julie K. Poeltler AIFD, CFD

Rocky Pollitz AIFD, CFD

David Porterfield AIFD, CFD

Patricia Pottle AIFD, CFD

David L. Powers AIFD, CFD

Tracy Proctor AIFD, CFD

Ian Prosser AIFD, CFD

Douglas Raska AIFD, CFD

Raul Ramirez AIFD, CFD

Jerome Raska AIFD, CFD

Teresa Riddle AIFD, CFD

Linda Robbins AIFD, CFD

Phillip Rulloda AIFD, CFD

Kerry Sallabedra AIFD, CFD

Richard Salvaggio AIFD, CFD

Peter M. Samek AIFD, CFD

D. Damon Samuel AIFD, CFD

Pat Scace AIFD, CFD

Gordon Schmuhl AIFD, CFD

Ute Schnetzinger AIFD, CFD

Gary Schott AIFD, CFD

William Schroeder AIFD, CFD

Karen Schubert Genoud AIFD, CFD

J Schwanke AIFD, CFD

Elizabeth Seiko Seiji AIFD, CFD

John Shackelford AIFD, CFD

Frankie Shelton AIFD, CFD

David Siders AIFD, CFD

Cherrie Silverman AIFD, CFD, EMC

Tom Simmons AIFD, CFD

Mike Sinanovic AIFD, CFD

Michael Skaff AIFD, CFD

Jack Smith AIFD, CFD

Brian Smith AIFD, CFD

Craig Sole AIFD, CFD

Judith Stevenson Bailey AIFD, CFD

Betty Stork AIFD, CFD

Marianne Suess AIFD, CFD

Todd Sweeden AIFD, CFD

Jenny Tabarracci AIFD, CFD

Bill Taylor AIFD, CFD

Catherine Thoele AIFD, CFD

Alan Thompson AIFD, CFD

Gerard Toh AIFD, CFD

Noel Tribbey AIFD, CFD

Rene Van Rems AIFD, CFD

Derrick Vasquez AIFD, CFD

Daniel R. Vaughn AIFD, CFD

Alice Waterous AIFD, CFD

James Watson Jr. AIFD, CFD

Alison Webb Schweiger AIFD, CFD

Lisa Weddel AIFD, CFD

Gary Wells AIFD, CFD

Kathy Whalen AIFD, CFD

Michael Whaley AIFD, CFD

Colene White AIFD, CFD

Robert Whitney AIFD, CFD

Julie Wilkinson AIFD, CFD

Nitaya Williamson AIFD, CFD

Manita Wisdom AIFD, CFD

James Wright AIFD, CFD

J. Robbin Yelverton AIFD, CFD

Kevin Ylvisaker AIFD, CFD

Kevin Young AIFD, CFD

Allan Zylstra AIFD, CFD

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