North East Board Members
2023-2024 Executive Board Members
The North East region includes Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and the Canadian Providences of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.
Overseas: The UK and the Netherlands
President: Dot Chenevert AIFD, CFD
President-Elect: Susan Krabill AIFD, CFD
Vice President: Mame Broody AIFD, CFD
Secretary: Joan Marie Driscoll AIFD, CFD
Treasurer: Mark Pellon AIFD, CFD
Past President: Shannon Toal AIFD, CFD
Regional Chapter Representative National Board:
Ken Norman AIFD, CFD
Board of Directors
Becky Memmo
Vicenzo Butero
Ami Harbig
Valerie McLaughlin
Deb Sherwood
Suzanne Sampson
Heather Towne
Dan Firth
Janet Corrao