Who is eligible?

An AIFD Student Chapter may be established at recognized institutions of higher learning with a two-year associate degree,  a four-year baccalaureate or higher, in horticulture, floriculture, agriculture or fine arts, and where floral design is taught. Certificate programs are included, that are within a degree program at recognized institutions of higher learning.  A comparable degree will be required in other degree systems.

To compete in the annual National AIFD® Student Competition, one must be a novice member of an active Student AIFD Chapter.  The student must have a GPA of 2.0 or higher, and have completed 6 semester units or 9 quarter units. They may not have worked full time in a retail/wholesale florist as a designer for more than two (2) years, or part time for more than three (3) years. A maximum of 8 students from any chapter may compete.

What is the purpose of the competition?
The competition helps to give the students a tangible use for the floral design skills they are developing in class. The Principles and Elements of design can seem esoteric to some students until they realize that those concepts are what the evaluators will use to judge their entries. The competition can give instructors a tool for motivating students to learn, because they have a specific and real goal. The competition encourages creativity, resourcefulness and focus while giving real-life experience in a high pressure situation. It also gives the AIFD student members an experience which is similar to the process they will encounter when they try for certification by AIFD or membership in the Institute. The timing, materials and rules of the competition are in some ways similar to the process that florists are subjected to in their steps to certification.

Participants can earn their CFD by earning an average score of 7.0 for all designs with no design lower than a 6.5 in the SAIFD Student Competition at Symposium.  Those who meet the minimum requirement can be recommended for CFD to AIFD. They shall then follow the current required process to become a CFD, including taking and passing the online test with an 80% or higher and paying the necessary fees.

What do the judges look for when judging the floral arrangements?
The judging is technical, with points given for the methodological use of color, depth, line, balance, focal emphasis, unity and proportion. Points are also awarded for flawless mechanics (neatness, hiding of support systems, technical prowess), appropriate interpretation for the category, as well as creativity. Judges strive to set aside subjective opinions about the designs, and will give high points for a well-executed design that may not be to their personal taste.

Generally, what is the most challenging part of the competition?
For many of the competitors, this is their first foray into designing under competition pressure, with a limited amount of design time and specific restrictions on what they are to make. They do not know what floral materials or containers they will encounter when they walk into the competition space. Every year, competitors are disqualified in a design category for exceeding the size limitations, or not having their piece on the judging table when time is called. They may not have access to all the tools they are accustomed to using in class, and may encounter flower varieties they have never used before.

What are the student competitors require to make?
The students compete in four floral design categories in a designated timeframe  The design categories vary from year-to-year for the competition.  The Student Competition committee develops the categories that are fresh and current within the floral industry.  The student, in turn, is provided a wide range of opportunities to showcase their design skills.  

When and where will the next competition take place?
SAIFD Competitions take place every year at the AIFD® National Symposium. Please see the “Events” tab for present and future locations and dates.

How do I sign up?
Contact your chapter advisor, who will give you a competition registration form, rules, category information, tool list, and information about registering for Symposium. Competition and Symposium fees are sent to the AIFD® home office.

Specific questions can be sent to AIFD’s National Student Membership Chair, Lesleighan Cravens, AIFD, CFD, PFCI (cravensle@missouri.edu or (573) 882-2625).

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