Purpose of the Certified Floral Evaluator/Judge Program

  • Provide a service for AIFD® Members
  • Train proficient evaluators and judges
  • Provide opportunities for personal educational enhancement
  • Raise the level of professional expertise
  • Provide opportunities for leadership development

Any American Institute of Floral Designers Accredited member is able to become an AIFD® Certified Floral Evaluator/Judge. This certification will be recognized by AIFD® and the floral industry. Becoming a certified floral evaluator/judge takes dedication, time and possibly monetary investments. Members must be knowledgeable about floral design according to the AIFD® Guide to Floral Design and must be able to establish judgment based on the requirements necessary for the testing process or competition. Since all AIFD® members have gone through the testing process in one form or another, they are somewhat familiar with the PFDE® process, but it is crucial to stay current with the PFDE® process and understand the requirements of any competition. Obtaining this certification is not about gaining recognition. Being a Certified Floral Evaluator/Judge is about:

  • your willingness to share your knowledge and be of service to the floral industry
  • having the generosity to help others succeed
  • being impartial and consistent in your decisions at all times
  • being able to validate all of your decisions
  • having the ability to give competent feedback and praise
  • maintaining integrity, respect and professionalism at all times
  • upholding the AIFD® Certified Floral Evaluator/Judge standards


The initial certification process is at no charge to AIFD® Members in good standing. Interested members must complete all of the requirements stated by the Membership Committee and approved by the AIFD® National Board of Directors. The following requirements are in the recommended order of completion:

  1. Participate and complete the entire required curriculum (one online course broken up into three segments: Elements of Design, Principles of Design, and Objectivity/Subjectivity). This course is a continuing education for AIFD® members and is available at no cost. One CEU can be obtained per segment completed. (*Please see note below about this course.)
  2. Pass the On-line Evaluator Test with an 80% or higher. This test can be taken at any time prior to completing the process. One CEU can be obtained for completion.
  3. Complete an in-person design evaluation workshop and assessment held at the AIFD® National Symposium every year in July. This evaluation will require the identification of certain elements, principles, techniques and applications. Each Evaluator must receive an 80% or higher on this evaluation to receive their certification. Two CEUs can be obtained per class completed.

*The run times for viewing all of the videos and powerpoints for the online course is approximately 3-3 1/2 hours (with time built in for note taking). You are able to start and stop the videos and powerpoints. You are also able to login and logout whenever you want during the timeframe of the course being offered.

Important Session Dates

– Online Certified Evaluator/Judging Sessions

  • Phase 1 will be held annually in the Spring (March/April)

To start the process, please e-mail info@aifd.org, and clarify the session for which you would like to sign up.

Please note:

  • All online materials for the Certified Floral Evaluator/Judge Virtual Hands-On Evaluation are in English.  The written evaluation is provided in several languages for clarity, but all written answers must be submitted in English.  It is a requirement for AIFD® Certified Floral Evaluator/Judges to read and converse in English effectively. 
  • All components of the certified floral evaluator/ judge program (Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3 at symposium) must be completed within 12 months. If any phase is not completed within this timeframe, the process must start over. 

Recommendations on enhancing your skills for the AIFD® Evaluator written test or as a refresher course:

          • Participate in the AIFD® on-line class: Elements and Principles
          • Participate in the AIFD® on-line class: Design Techniques
          • Review the following information in the AIFD® Guide To Floral Design
            o    The Elements and Principles of Design
            o    Design Applications

Once AIFD® individuals complete (and maintain) this process they will be able to:

          • Receive a certificate of completion
          • Receive a press release
          • Receive a name badge ribbon at all symposiums
          • Use the title of AIFD® Certified Floral Evaluator/Judge
          • Evaluate at a PFDE® process if asked by the Membership Committee
          • Judge local, state, regional and national floral design competitions as an AIFD® Certified Judge

Maintaining Your Certification

Maintaining your certification requires you to participate in the AIFD® Certified Floral Evaluator/Judge Recertification Online Course (held annually in the fall of the appropriate year) once every three years. The Membership Committee will send out notification the first week of May each year to those who have to renew their Certified Floral Evaluator/Judge status.

          • Maintaining your certification is monitored by the Membership Committee – as a certified member you are responsible for keeping your status current. If you fail to maintain your certification you will not be able to use your certification title and you will have to repeat the certification process.
          • All AIFD members must be in good standing with their membership to use the certification title. This opportunity is only open to AIFD® Accredited members.
          • The Membership Committee will allow one additional year to complete the AIFD® Certified Floral Evaluator/Judge Recertification Online Course with the understanding that his/her status as a Certified Floral Evaluator/Judge was suspended during the extra year.


The certified floral evaluator and judge test will be held each year at Symposium. Dates will vary according to Symposium locations and the PFDE® testing process.

The Membership Committee will send out notification in early February of each year to those who have to renew their Certified Floral Evaluator/Judge status. You will have needed to attend this workshop at least one additional time during your three year certification time frame to maintain your certification.


For additional questions please contact:
Damon Samuel
Immediate Past Membership Chair

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