Advanced Floral Design Evaluation
Assess floral design competency through hands on and written exams. Evaluators determine if students can move forward in the AIFD Certified Floral Designer (CFD) process. Prerequisite: AACC Floral Design Certificate Completion or permission of instructor….

Date(s) – March 4, 2018
12:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Anne Arundel Community College-Arnold, MD
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012
United States

Assess floral design competency through hands on and written exams. Evaluators determine if students can move forward in the AIFD Certified Floral Designer (CFD) process. Prerequisite: AACC Floral Design Certificate Completion or permission of instructor.

Note: Visit for AIFD CFD certification requirements. Students who score above a 3.0 on a 5-point scale and have completed AACC’s Floriculture Certificate will be recommended to AIFD for certification. Students not enrolled in the AACC Floral Design certificate program will be evaluated, but not presented to AIFD. Students should arrive 30 minutes early.

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