Cascading Bridal Bouquets FLD 313 901
Create a cascading bridal bouquet that reflects trends in the wedding industry. Examine construction mechanics, suitable flowers and foliage, and techniques to maximize freshness and longevity. At least one arrangement will be taken home. Prerequisite:…

Date(s) – December 2, 2017
12:00 pm – 3:15 pm

Anne Arundel Community College-Arnold, MD
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012
United States

Create a cascading bridal bouquet that reflects trends in the wedding industry. Examine construction mechanics, suitable flowers and foliage, and techniques to maximize freshness and longevity. At least one arrangement will be taken home.

Prerequisite: FLD 304 Floriculture 1 or instructor permission.

1 Session Saturday

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