ATTENTION AIFD MEMBERS – While plans are unfolding for the 2018 Symposium “Discover” it’s time to start thinking about the 2018 AIFD Awards! Send your nominations to Awards Committee chair Rich Salvaggio AIFD, CFD at Nominations are now being accepted through Friday, February 23, 2018 for the six awards that AIFD can bestow:

• Award of Merit – Non-Industry
This award is presented to individuals outside the floral industry who are selected because of their personal or professional use of fresh flowers in such a manner as to be a credit to the floral profession. In what manner does the nominee use flowers in a public way? Has what the nominee done with flowers brought about a greater awareness of flowers and or floral design? Does the awareness this nominee promotes come about through education?

Award of Merit – Industry
This award is presented to members of the floral industry who are NOT members of AIFD but who are involved in the floral industry. This award can be given to an individual, group or company. Is the nominee an AIFD partner? Has the nominee provided support or contributions to AIFD and if so in what manner? Is the nominee active and do they further the floral industry in other allied or trade organizations? What specific contribution has the nominee made to the advancement of the floral industry as a whole?

 Award of Design Influence
The Award of Design Influence recognizes floral design visionaries whose creative body of work has national influence and constitutes a legacy of innovation. Has the nominee supported or contributed to AIFD in any way? What specific contribution(s) or advancements has the nominee made to the American design style? What impact has the nominee made on the American style of design? How does this person share their design talents? Does this person have the ability or intention to continue to influence American design?

• Award of Distinguished Service to the Floral Industry
This award is presented to AIFD members who have made a significant contribution to the floral industry. Has the nominee been a member of AIFD in good standing? How has the nominee served AIFD on a National and Regional level? Has the nominee played an active role in other allied or trade organization? Has the nominee been a leader in industry education, research or product development? Has the nominee been a leader in the promotion of the floral industry and AIFD at the industry and consumer levels?

Award of Distinguished Service to AIFD
This award is given to longstanding members of the American Institute of Floral Designers in grateful recognition of extraordinary service to the Institute, upholding its goals and supporting its activities. Recipients shall be known as ‘Fellows of AIFD’ and are granted Life Membership. Has the nominee been a member of AIFD in good standing? How has the nominee served AIFD on a National and Regional level? Has the nominee held office for AIFD at a National and Regional level? What AIFD committees has the nominee served on? What has the nominee done to promote and further AIFD? Has the nominee represented AIFD for or served on other allied or trade organization committees and events?

AIFD Special Award of Recognition
This recipient of this award is chosen by the National Board of AIFD. If you know of someone who might qualify for this award, please contact a member of the National Board with your suggestion. Presented by the Board of Directors in recognition of meritorious and dedicated services to the American Institute of Floral Designers. The National Board may choose to select a person based on many qualities, some being: What specifically has the has a person done in service to AIFD or the Industry? Has this service impacted AIFD, its members or its mission?

If you would like to nominate someone please send a letter that includes the following:

• The individual or company nominated
• The award you are nominating them for
• Why you are nominating them for the award

Please direct your letters to:
Rich Salvaggio AIFD, CFD
AIFD Awards Committee Chairperson
Fax: 310-966-3610
Mail: Rich Salvaggio AIFD, CFD
c/o Teleflora
11444 West Olympic Boulevard
4th floor
Los Angeles, CA 90064

*Please note only the following AIFD members are allowed to nominate: Active (AIFD), Fellows, Life, Retired and Industry Partner members.*

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