BALTIMORE (August 2012) –Thirty-five state or regional floral associations across the U.S. have been given a complimentary registration to attend the 2013 National Symposium of the American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD), it was announced by Ann Jordan AIFD, CFD, president of the Institute.

“It is AIFD’s hope that the various associations will use this gift to raise funds or to stimulate interest in attending an association-sponsored floral design education program,” said Ms. Jordan, who added that it is “AIFD’s mission to advance the art of professional floral design through education, service and leadership, and to recognize the achievement of excellence in this art form.”

AIFD’s National Symposium is considered to be the most dynamic floral design education program offered in the U.S. The 2013 edition, “Passion,” will take place in the beautiful Paris Hotel located on the Strip in Las Vegas. The dates for the event are June 28 to July 2. The complimentary registration given by AIFD to the state association provides for access to all education programs and presentations. Guests may opt to add on attendance to the elaborate meal functions and other special events which are part of the exciting conclave.

In addition to the Symposium registration gift, AIFD further attempts to help florist associations by incorporating their education programs into the requirements to test to become a Certified Floral Designer (CFD) and by requiring AIFD members to earn continuing education credits thought leadership and involvement in the associations.

Organizations advised of the gift include: Alabama State Florists Association, Arizona State Florists Association, Arkansas Florists Association, California State Floral Association, Connecticut Florists’ Association, Florida State Florist Association, Georgia State Florists Association, Illinois State Florists’ Association, Iowa Florists’ Association, Kansas State Florists’ Association, Kentucky State Florists Association, Louisiana State Florists’ Association, Maine State Florists Association, Massachusetts Professional Florist Association, Michigan Floral Association, Mid Atlantic Florists Association, Montana Florists Association, Nebraska Florists Association, New Mexico Florists Association, North Carolina State Florists’ Association, North Dakota State Florists’ Association, OFA – The Association of Floriculture Professionals, Oklahoma State Florists’ Association, Ozark Florists Association, South Carolina Florists Association, South Dakota Florists Association, Tennessee State Florists’ Association, Texas State Florists Association, West Texas New Mexico Florists Association, Virginia Professional Florist Association, and the Wisconsin/Upper Michigan Florists’ Association. Notice of the AIFD Symposium gift was emailed to the various association offices. Within minutes of its distribution, state associations were responding with great appreciation to AIFD.

Immediately prior to its National Symposium, AIFD will conduct its Professional Floral Design Evaluation (PFDE) program for candidates interested in obtaining their Certified Floral Designer (CFD) designation or in becoming an Accredited Member of AIFD. For details on AIFD, the PFDE program or the National Symposium, visit

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