AIFD Workshops
AIFD Educational Events
Connection Course Descriptions | REGISTER for Events
The Connection Experience Workshop prices are $99 for AIFD members and CFD designers. The price for non-members is $149. The cost for the AIFD Hands-on Workshops is $475.00 for AIFD members or CFD designers. The price for non-members is $515.00. The AIFD Hands-on Workshops are open to anyone.
*Depicts a two-day event
April 14, 2012
Connection: The Photography Experience
Baisch & Skinner Wholesale Florist
Phoenix, AZ
April 21, 2012
Connection: The Body Flower Experience
Frank Adams Wholesale
Portland, OR
FALL 2012
September 8, 2012
Connection: The Body Flower Experience
Location TBD
Orlando, FL
September 15, 2012
Connection: The Bouquet Experience
Oklahoma City Flower Market
Oklahoma City, OK
September 29, 2012
Connection: The Body Flower Experience
Rojahn Malaney Company
Milwaukee, WI