To retain your status as a Certified Floral Designer or Accredited Member of AIFD®, all designers must meet their respective continuing education requirements: Every five (5) years for Accredited Members, or every three (3) years for Certified Floral Designers.

The timeline starts from the year you received your CFD or AIFD Accreditation.

For more information, including requirements & procedures, how to earn CEUs, and when you are due to report, please click on the appropriate designation below.

Certified Floral Designers (CFD)
Accredited Members (AIFD)

Guide to Notes Column:

x – AIFD® Accredited Members must accumulate a minimum of five (5) units of leadership/services/educator/presenter once every five (5) years. This symbol denotes qualified leadership points.

o – Contact AIFD® Headquarters at to request a test for Symposium, main stage, program presentation, questions/clarification, and more information.

National Symposium CEUs Earned
(partial noted, if applicable)
(if applicable)
Attendance at educational programs
(Minimum of general, full, or single day registration
20 (Or 5 per full day)
Stage or Program Presentation 25 x
Live Stream & Test or Full set of Online/Vimeo & Test (if available, based upon year of production) 10 o
Single Main Stage or Program Presentation Online/Vimeo and Test 1 o
Volunteer hours in Symposium/Conference main workroom 1 (per 4 hours worked)
AIFD® National Hands-on Workshops Presenter 10 x
AIFD® National Hands-on Workshop Attendance

  • 1-2 hour workshops = 2
  • 3-4 hour workshops = 3
  • 6-8 hour workshops = 4
2, 3, or 4
(see descriptors)
AIFD® Floral Summit/Conference CEUs Earned
(partial noted, if applicable)
(if applicable)
Attendance at all educational programs 5
AIFD® Online Classes
One course completed; exam passed 3
AIFD® Education Partner Programs CEUs Earned
(partial noted, if applicable)
(if applicable)
In-person Attendance (8 hours) 5
Virtual Online Courses (through Educational Partners) 5 CEUs earned per 8 hours completed
State Conventions/Regional Conference/National Industry Conference (SAF, WFFSA, CalFlowers, etc.) CEUs Earned
(partial noted, if applicable)
(if applicable)
Attendance- two-day conference 5
Design Program Presenter 10 x
Hands-on program Presenter 5 x
Hands-on class Attendance 2
Floral Design Program (wholesale house, private design seminar, garden club, etc.) CEUs Earned
(partial noted, if applicable)
(if applicable)
Attendance 3  (Maximum of 9)
Hands-on class Attendance 2
Design Program and/or Hands-on Presenter 4
Virtual Education
Floral webinars & video conferences

  • Based video or conference attendance (0.5 per hour)
  • with an AIFD Presenter (1.5 per hour)
  • Floral Summit Designer master class session (3 per session)
0.5, 1.5 or 3
(see descriptors)
Educator CEUs Earned
(partial noted, if applicable)
(if applicable)
  • University Instructor/State Licensed Floral Design Instructor
10 (for 3 yrs.), 15 (for 5 yrs. x
  • Floral Design School Instructor
  • Floral design video educational presentation(s)
  • Virtual floral conference presenter
5 (for 3 yrs.), 8 (for 5 yrs.)
Public Floral Education Presentations (Flower Shows, FFA, Fleur de Vie, Art in Bloom, etc.) CEUs Earned
(partial noted, if applicable)
(if applicable)
Presenter 2 (Maximum of 15) x
Attendance 1 (Maximum of 10)
Designer (per design day) 1 (Maximum of 4)
Design Articles in National Floral Publication CEUs Earned
(partial noted, if applicable)
(if applicable)
Writer 5 (Maximum of 15)
Featured Designer – No ads 5 (Maximum of 15)
Focal Points Article 1 (Maximum of 2 annually)
Design Articles in State/Local Industry Publication CEUs Earned
(partial noted, if applicable)
(if applicable)
Writer 2 (Maximum of 15)
Leadership Service
(this area will benefit the applicant in the areas of Leadership Service to AIFD®)
CEUs Earned
(partial noted, if applicable)
(if applicable)
AIFD®  National Officer 4 (per year) x
AIFD®  National Director 3 (per year) x
AIFD®  Regional Chapter Officer/Director 2 (per year) x
Other National Floral Organization Officer/Director 1 (per year) x
AIFD®  National Committee Chairperson 2 (per year) x
Other National Floral Organization Committee Chairperson 2 (per year) x
State/Local Floral Organization Event Chairperson 2 (per year) x
AIFD®  National Membership Committee 2 (per year) x
AIFD®  National Committee Member 1 (per year) x
AIFD®  Regional Committee Chair 1 (per year) x
Other National Floral Organization Committee Member 1 (per year) x
State/Local Floral Organization Committee Member 1 (per year) x
AIFD® Liaison to State Floral Association 1 (per year) x
Certified/Evaluator Judge Program (CEJ)
Category meets criteria for Leadership Service
CEUs Earned
(partial noted, if applicable)
(if applicable)
Participate and complete all required curriculum (one online course broken up into three segments) and pass the exam with 80% or higher 2 x
Complete in-person design evaluation workshop and assessment 2 (per class completed) x
PFDE® Evaluator 2 (per examination) x
PFDE® Mentor for PFDE® Candidates 1 (per year) x

(Updated December 2024)

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