Policies & Procedures for Chapter Membership

1. Student membership applications must be completed and signed by both the applicant and the student advisor before being submitted to the National Student Membership Chair for approval. National student dues of $20.00 per year must be remitted with this application. Student participation is entirely voluntary.

2. The institution in which a student is enrolled must have a recognized student chapter. The student must be enrolled in a degree program containing floral design and have earned at least 15 semester credits or 22 quarter units of credit in college or university subjects.

3. Students must have and maintain a “C” of 2.0 grade point average in schools grading on a 4 point system. A comparable G.P.A. will be expected in other grading systems.

4. If the qualifications of #’s 1-3 above are not met, students may be considered “associate” members of the local Chapter. However, associate members will not have any of the benefits itemized in #10 below.

5. All student members must abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the Code of Ethics and Professional Practices of the American Institute of Floral Designers.

6. The student member will be presented with a certificate of active membership upon payment of national dues and approved by the National Student Membership Chair.

7. A confidential file will be kept by the National Student Membership Chair containing student applications. This file may be used by the National AIFD Membership Committee when students apply for candidate status to AIFD.

8. Student membership is not transferable to any other AIFD membership category. However, within one year of their graduation, students wishing to pursue accreditation in AIFD may apply for candidate status at 1/2 the published rate. This rate will apply only for the first year of their candidate status.

9. SAIFD pins will be provided to chapters for distribution to inductee (first year) students who have paid their national dues. Additional pins may be purchased to replace lost or damaged pins and for students who do not wish to pay national dues. Any excess funds realized through the sale of SAIFD pins shall be contributed to the Shakelford Memorial AIFD Scholarship Fund.

10. Benefits of active SAIFD National Student Membership:

A. Receive SAIFD Pin (one time only) – see #9.
B. Receive appropriate AIFD mailings, including Focal Points Blog and National Symposium information (distributed via chapter advisors).
C. Eligibility for student scholarships through the AIFD Foundation (forms sent to advisors).
D. Eligibility for student sponsorships for National Symposium – students accepting sponsorships are required to participate in the student design competition and a reasonable student work schedule administered by the National Student Membership Chair. These students are also required to attend all symposium programs except when scheduled for their required work.
E. Students may attend National Symposium at a reduced “Student Rate”, but must participate in a reasonable work schedule as noted in “D” above.
F. Students will be eligible to attend National Symposium at “Student Rate” for the one symposium following their graduation.
G. Receive a “name only” listing in the AIFD Directory under SAIFD Chapter Names.
H. Receive Certificate of Membership – see #6.
I. Have access to classified ads in Focal Points Blog- via chapter advisor.
J. Access to regional and local events by assisting AIFD designers or program chairs with set-up, event assistance, or as designer assistants. A reduced or no cost for the event should be given to students for this assistance.
K. Within one year of their graduation, students wishing to pursue accreditation in AIFD may apply for candidate status at ½ the published rate. This rate will apply only for the first year of their candidate status – see #8.

11. Student Chapter Advisors will be entitled to register for the National Symposium at the “member” price level.

12. There shall be a national student design contest held each year as part of the National Symposium. The student Membership Committee shall advise and assist the Student Competition Committee with this task.

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