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Fresh Flowers: Churches and Places of Worship
Examine a variety of floral design styles for altars, lecterns, bimahs, chancel screens and baptismal fonts. Learn proper mechanics, proportion, scale, flower selection and construction tips to make arrangements stable…

Date(s) – April 8, 2017
12:00 pm – 3:15 pm

Anne Arundel Community College-Arnold, MD
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012
United States

Examine a variety of floral design styles for altars,
lecterns, bimahs, chancel screens and baptismal
fonts. Learn proper mechanics, proportion,
scale, flower selection and construction tips to
make arrangements stable and long-lasting.

FLR-332-201 April 8 Arnold/Main
1 session Sa Noon-3:15 pm

Please visit www.aacc.edu/floraldesigner or email ccassidy1@aacc.edu for more information.
