Become an AIFD Education Partner
AIFD® has a category of membership, Education Partners, which was created to enhance AIFD’s already strong commitment to education by specifically including the private education sector.
We are excited about the prospects of this new alliance with member schools and hope that it will be beneficial for you as well as for the whole floral industry.
Benefits of Education Partner Membership
Each approved member will receive:
1. The highly beneficial opportunity to award your students the AIFD nationally recognized Certified Floral Designer (CFD®) designation (See more details below).
2.Listing in AIFD membership directory with a brief description (25 words maximum) of educational opportunities (classes offered, etc.)
3. Online Directory listing on AIFD website including a link to school web page (same description as in directory)
4. Use of “AIFD Education Partner” designation in advertising, promotions and school certificates.
5. Opportunity to speak with AIFD National Symposium participants about you school and to display school information. This “Education Connection” and will be similar to the current book fair format.
6. Symposium discounts:
- Attendance at AIFD National Symposium at AIFD member rate for one instructor who is NOT an AIFD member
- Offer students who have completed a course, the opportunity to attend AIFD National Symposium at member rate (one-time only discount)
How Education Partners can offer their students AIFD’s CFD Designation
AIFD is extending to all approved Education Providers (Schools and State Associations) the highly beneficial opportunity to award your students the AIFD nationally recognized Certified Floral Designer (CFD®) designation!
How Can you Benefit?
As an approved AIFD Education provider, you will have agreed that your institution offers quality floral design education worthy of the acclaimed CFD® designation. To be able to qualify your students, you simply need to agree to use The AIFD Guide to Floral Design as one of your teaching tools (AIFD sells these at a bulk rate to our education partners) and have at least one AIFD Certified Floral Evaluator/Judge on staff to participate in their hands-on evaluation. Then, once your students complete the required courses and hands-on evaluation that you already provide at your school, and you deem their work worthy of the CFD® designation, all you have to do is send their names and contact information to AIFD. AIFD will send your students a letter congratulating them on the completion of your education and invite them to become a CFD®.
To accept the invitation students must:
- Return the CFD application with a $124 certification fee to AIFD (fee includes re-certification fees through the following June!).
- Pass an online test based off of The AIFD Guide to Floral Design, with an 80% or higher, within two weeks of receiving access.
That’s it! They will then be awarded the nationally recognized CFD designation and will be sent:
- a CFD® pin
- a CFD® certificate, and
- Be listed in both the AIFD online and printed directories, and
- Receive a one-time $250 discount on the PFDE, should they wish to pursue their AIFD Accreditation.
This will continue as long as they pay their annual re-certification fee of $174 (or just $124 if paid by May 1) and meet the continuing education requirement of 25 CEU’s every three years.
How does my school get started?
- Be sure all of your enrolled students are using The AIFD Guide to Floral Design. You can buy cases of eight (8) books for just $300 here on the AIFD website.
- Be sure you are teaching to the AIFD PFDE Objectives that you agreed to when being approved as an AIFD Education Partner.
- Be sure you have at least one AIFD Certified Floral Judge/Evaluator on staff who will participate in the evaluation of any students recommended to become a CFD
When students have successfully passed your courses and capstone class, use the attached application form and send their contact information to AIFD.
For more details about this program click here.
Become an AIFD Education Partner
AIFD is excited about the prospect of new alliances with member schools and hope that it will be beneficial for you as well as for the whole floral industry.
The process to become an Education Partner is easy. Simply complete the application form thoroughly, answering all questions and filling in each blank. If a question or piece of information does not pertain to your school, place a “N/A” in the space to indicate “not applicable.” Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Please note, there is an $300 annual membership fee for renewing Education Partners.
The Evaluation Form that the Education Committee will use to recommend membership is also available for your reference.
Please note that to participate in the “Education Connection” at National Symposium, applications must be received at AIFD Headquarters no later than May 1. This membership category is not an endorsement or accreditation from AIFD. If you have questions or need more information, please contact AIFD Headquarters at
1. Listing in AIFD membership directory with a brief description (25 words maximum) of educational opportunities (classes offered, etc.)
2. Online Directory listing on AIFD website including a link to school web page (same description as in directory).
3. Use of “AIFD Education Partner” designation in advertising, promotions and school certificates.
4. Opportunity to speak with AIFD National Symposium participants about you school and to display school information. This “Education Connection” and will be similar to the current book fair format.
5. Symposium discounts:
- Attendance at AIFD National Symposium at AIFD member rate for one instructor who is NOT an AIFD member
- Offer students who have completed a course, the opportunity to attend AIFD National Symposium at member rate (one-time only discount)
List of AIFD Education Partners
View a list of all current AIFD Education Partners here.